Tuesday, June 12, 2018

5 months!

whoops! i missed writing the four month post! but to be completely honest, i didn't feel like a whole lot changed during Cam's fourth month of life outside the womb. he wasn't really doing anything that was too noticeably new aside from being able to withstand more tummy time. i guess somewhere in that fourth month he did start to laugh. it's super effing cute and all but not worth a whole blog post. 

now Cam's fifth month of life is different. it has been so fun! lots of little things have changed or developed that won't matter to most people. however, for a new mom it's fascinating to see your kindred evolve from a flesh doll to an actual person. he's constantly changing and we can't help but cheer him on with every new skill or sound. 

for a long time i'd place Cam down for tummy time and he'd lift his head a little higher or for longer periods but his arms would stiffly stay under him and he'd just look around. booooooorrrrriiiiing!! i mean i could stare in awe at him all day just because he's my son but seriously, it was like c'mon man...just do something! i know, i know! he's strengthening his neck muscles or whatever but how bout those arms? i decided he needed some intervening so i placed toys around him that lit up and/or made noises. he'd stare at them and i started pulling his hand out to touch the toys and "push" the buttons, which meant me smashing his hand down tiger mom style, trying to force him into learning. a couple days later he started to pull his arms out from under him to touch toys and now he reaches out to grasp them to bring them towards his mouth!  

i think in the last post i claimed that Cam was able to roll from his tummy to his back but that was a half lie. i thought he was capable and somewhat intentionally doing it because he did it like twelve times in a day and a few times over the few following days. then he stopped and never really did it again except for an occasional here and there. quite honestly i think he just pushed up with his arms and gravity along with the massiveness of his head took over. shrug. speaking of head size, he definitely got that from Ted. poor kid. every time we pull a onesie over his head it stretches out the neck and he's stuck exposing his baby cleavage all day long. i digress. at about 18 weeks old he turned from his back to his tummy and has been doing it constantly! he can still only turn towards his right and can't flip back over intentionally but it's fun to watch him roll around. i imagine the view of a ceiling can get boring quite quickly so i'm happy for his new ability to see the world as it was meant to be seen.

Cam was pretty vocal early on with a lot of 'guh' and 'uh' sounds but now he's practicing more high pitched noises which is adorable. he was doing raspberries for a little bit but hasn't for a while now. and he's always playing with his tongue. he sticks it out all day long and often twists it around which also means a lot more drool. before Cam  came along i would cringe when a baby drooled on me and now i don't care. well...i don't think i care but i guess i haven't had another baby drool on me recently so i can't be certain. for all i know i still hate other baby's saliva. actually, i'm pretty positive i don't want other babies spitting on me. things don't change over night.

oh! and he found his feet! for the longest time i thought that he would never be able to reach his little piggies because surely his gigantic chubby tummy and short, fat legs would be no match for whatever little flexibility he was capable of. i thought that my baby wasn't a good representative yoga's happy baby pose. then one day he grabbed a toe and now he always grabs his feet! 

then there's the sleep training. let me tell you...that shit was a god send for me and my anxiety. my little man impressed me with how he handled it but i'll talk about all of that in the next post. 

overall Cam is a really happy baby. he's always smiling and intrigued with new things. just look at that freaking face! so effing cute! my favorite time of day is in the morning when we go into his room and he sees us and smiles. that's my daily dose of sunshine and heart melts.