Saturday, January 10, 2015

my boyfriend kicks so much ass!!!

surprise belated b-day dinner at Ragazza with all my favorites! Marjie made the printouts of the many faces of Reg and everybody held them up while i walked into the gazebo where dinner was held. 

my kick ass friends and the most amazing boyfriend!

so like....i don't mean to get all mushy all up on the internets because sometimes when people are overly gushy about their significant others it sort of induces a slight regurgitating motion in my throat, which is never a pleasant thing. don't get me started on people's make out pictures or sunset silhouette photos of their two hands forming a heart. i get it, you're happy but must i know precisely how happy you are? well to be nothing but absolutely hypocritical, i'm making an exception here for myself because i have just been overwhelmed by all the awesomeness that my boyfriend is. 

y'know i could never have imagined meeting someone more suited for me than him. sure, he geekishly loves all things outer space and has quite an obvious giant noggin but he is unapologetic about his interests and is humbly self deprecating about his head size, which both add to his long list of endearing qualities. as the most fair and legitimately nonjudgmental person i know, he can't be described as less than nice. but he ranks at the utmost top tier of niceness without being boring. see, he's funny too(!) but unlike myself, his humor doesn't come from pointing the finger at others and his words are never crass. he is my match in punctuality, intrigue with travel,  organizational skills, money management, deep love and appreciation for those he holds dear (deep rooted friendships as well as awesome family), energy for exploration and adventures, and effortless commitment to our relationship. his consideration and thoughtfulness for others and for myself are absolutely more than i bring to the table. i think of myself as a considerate person when it comes to those i really care about but don't always extend my consideration and thoughtfulness outside of my bubble of VIPs. his concerns span the stranger he opens the door for to me, whom he spoils with consideration and small acts of thoughtfulness on a daily basis. he is seamlessly a better person than i could ever be and as awesome as i think i am, sometimes i wonder if i even deserve someone this amazing. thank The Universe i'm funny, masking all that is lacking underneath or he might realize that there are better people out there. beyond all of the awesomeness already mentioned, he never ceases to surprise and amaze me. last friday was one of those times...

see, my birthday is on december 27th, meaning jesus' birthday and celebrations for the new year sort of steal all of the thunder. this is no big deal though because every year for most years of my life i've just chalked my time on earth as being less important than jesus as well as less than rebooting time with the drop of a ball. hell, i can't argue with that right? this year my boyfriend graced me with dinner at a nice restaurant that i haven't been to (a mighty difficult task as i am a food whore), a thai massage, some gift certificated money to my favorite bakery and the Cirque Du Soleil show Kurios. more than i could ask for, right? but it gets so much better! somehow with tons of planning and scheming with my friends, this past friday he was able to gather up the majority of my most valued friends for a surprise dinner at my favorite artisanal pizza restaurant. like, forreal? on top of already being amazing and awesome you surprised the person who is hardest to surprise? and i was genuinely 110% surprised! i truly didn't see that coming at all. and he even treated allllllll of my friends to dinner that night. is that not the finest icing on the most decadent cake? he's a keeper for sure!

he is all the things. every single one. everything to me. plus all the dimples. 

kim picked up a couple of cakes from Craftsman & Wolves, one of my favorite bakeries! 31 is shaping out to be pretty good! 


  1. I am so happy that you two found each other.

  2. Yes, all the dimples for sure . Hmmmm…….He is so good at and almost perfect on every thing as people said…….Hmmmm…..I wonder, just wonder………such a good nature and inheritance , where did he get from? ………, here I come !!!! By the way, "Leeegina" u r an incredible incredible writer !!!! Taking student ???
