Tuesday, May 17, 2011

it gets better

everybody knows somebody gay. whether that person is out or not is another thing. but everybody knows somebody who is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. i'm proud to say that i know at least one somebody in each of those categories. i hesitated for a moment there to write down "categories" because sometimes people don't want to be labeled. sometimes people want to be so politically correct that children can't sit "indian style" anymore. they now sit "criss cross apple sauce," but who's to say that apples aren't, too, offended by this manner of sitting? categories are neccessary. without them we would never have known that Africans and African Americans are more prone to Sickle Cell Anemia and that Asians have a higher risk of osteoperosis. it is important for people to know what categories they fall in to figure out what is best for them in future and in health. i digress. i'm not here to categorize anybody or separate people. i'm here to applaud the efforts of the It Gets Better cause.

has anybody seen the It Gets Better cause on tv? the cause is mostly focused on those who are gay, bi, lesbian and transgender. it sends a message to tell them that no matter what they are going through now, it eventually gets better. it's to show them that there are faces of other people out there struggling with the same thing that they are simply because of a sexual preference or a gut feeling that they are in the wrong body. there are clips of people who have been through the same thing and have come out on the other side happy and healthy. it's a voice of hope for the future, a forum for people to find others who understand. nobody should have to be faced with the hateful actions and words of those who don't understand. it's hard enough being a teenager, but being a teenager with an added layer of identity that they may not fully understand themselves while being pushed to the floor is no way to live. sadly it happens sometimes. but just know that if you can think through to your future, you know it. will. get. better. one day you'll find the courage to show the world who you are and stand proud. as long as your heart is solid and you are kind to others, smile with strength knowing that you simply are who you are and wouldn't have it any other way. you will find people who understand exactly what you've been through and you can all find peace because you've got each other. and you've got others who support you whether they are the same as you or not. there are people behind you. you may not know them. it could be any stranger on the street, but know that there are people on your side. you may not be able to stop the bullies or ignore the looks, but one day it will get better.

now although i fully support this cause for everything that it is, i think that it can be applied to anybody that is struggling. whether it is a teenager made fun of for being a "four eyes" or someone who has been in a relationship involving domestic violence, if they find the strength (which everybody has) to find help or find real friends, it will get better. everybody can find somebody to support them. it's about seeking that support. i know that my life has been mostly easy compared to many, but it doesn't mean i don't understand where hurt comes from. it doesn't mean that i don't know what empathy feels like. when i saw the It Gets Better clip it brought some tears to my eyes. i can only imagine what it was like for the people that i personally know who have struggled with being "different" in their younger years. hopefully It Gets Better makes a difference in people's lives. scratch that. i know it's going to make a difference. i stand up to applaud the people behind the cause.

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