Sunday, January 30, 2011

how could they let me out of the house looking like that?

we all have bad pictures, right? usually the most embarrassing pictures are the ones in your teens because that's when you were trying your damnedest to look "cool" or whatever you want to call it. or maybe i'm wrong. maybe the most embarrassing are somewhere between 9-11. you know what i'm talking about. the awkward stage. let's take a trip back to the 80's. 

hello world, meet the former me!
day 29 pic.

good god are we serious right now?? i was rummaging through old things and found a very VERY old passport of mine. how in the world did my parents let me out of the house looking like this? this picture makes me laugh hystarically. and please, let’s name all things wrong with this pic!!
1. first, let’s just  touch on the most obvious thing. my face looks like a balloon that’s ready to pop! i purposely took this pic with a slight angle upwards in hopes that it could potentially serve the same purpose as someone lifting their chin a bit when taking a photo.  you know what i mean? stretching the chin a bit? turns out it doesn’t work that way! haha j/k!
2. i know i never went to a hair stylist to get my hurr did. actually, i remember my mom cutting my hair for years. she only stopped when i lost all trust in her hair cutting abilities. but that's a story for another day. so that slant with an incline from right to left that you see is her doing. i don’t know if she thought it didn’t matter, or if she was trying to cover up the fact that my left eye is slightly bigger than my right eye, but those bangs look ridic.
3. as a child of the 80′s it was really cool to wear your hair to one side. some people wore a high side ponytail, some wore it low. either way, it was cool, i promise!  i precisely remember messing with my hair in a mirror right before taking this picture. tie it up. take it down. repeat. i was trying to get it right and was really frustrated my hair wouldn’t stay. at the veeeerrrrrrrry last minute it was perfect! and look what it turned out to be. “perfect” turned out to be a hot mess! my hair was too short for all of it to stay all the way on that side of my head, i guess! i like to think my locks were soooo silky smooth that it slipped out of my hair tie to free itself from constraint in order to keep it's lusciousness. yeah, let’s just say it was the latter. =)
4. whoa there buck-o!! i know every kid goes through the awkward teeth sizes stage but in combination with all of the aforementioned, it just adds fuel to the flame. it looks like i've got a checker board in my mouth. 
let's not even get into the giganator shirt i've got on. that too, is a post for another day. that'll be my "fat kid" post. 
well i hope you had as much fun picking at my old passport photo as i have! do you have old embarrassing pictures? i urge you to show me so i feel better about myself. haha! 


  1. You are HILARIOUS!! I am over here cracking up!! Not at your picture, which by the way, I think is VERY cute, but your blog about it is hilarious! We all have some pictures just like this so you're definitely not alone! Take a look at my album, "when they used to call me sunshine", you'll see...LOL! Thanks for the morning laugh!!

  2. I enjoy reading your posts. However this by far takes the cake! So you only had bands for one side of your hair? And you have to agree that this hair cut is the equivalent of the male bowl cut that I unfortunately had the pleasure of sporting once or twice in my life. LOL!

    Great job here Regina! Keep it coming!
