Monday, January 24, 2011

just the beginning

hello all! i'm going to start this little bloggy blog by explaining a little bit about this "always remain awesome" concept and the blog itself. i would write a section on myself but hopefully you'll get a sense of who i am as the days go by.

le "always remain awesome" thing:

let me just say right off the bat that while i do think i'm awesome, i do NOT think i'm more awesome than you are. our awesomes are different. see, to me what awesome means is being a respectable individual with opinions and interests that are your own. you do realize that the keyword in that sentence is "respectable," right? you can be an individual with opinions and interests but if you are a douche or a jerk of any form then you aren't respectable. and if you aren't respectable then you certainly aren't awesome. awesome people to me aren't selfish, aren't conceited, aren't willing to step on others to climb ladders, aren't naysayers and especially don't think they are above others based on appearance, finance or any other superficial way of determining self worth. awesome people are humble, accepting, take the high road, look at the positive aspects of everything life has to offer, and again, are respectable. awesome people may be the life of the party or the person who has won the most races but then again, they might not be too. so long as the life of the party and the guy/girl that won the most races is humble and not  an ass wad, they're probably awesome too! just as awesome as the person who came in second or even 50th. so all of you rad people out there, you know you're already awesome but keep in mind to "always remain awesome!"

le blog:

-many people have a focus to their blog, whether it be health/fitness, food, photography, funny images, cute things or anything else. this blog, however, will pretty much be a combination of random. here you'll probably find posts on amazing food i've eaten or attempted to cook, a post a day from a 365 project, random thoughts that run through my head that i feel inclined to share, opinions or thoughts about anything, memories or stories from my life, etc. hopefully they'll be amusing to someone, and if not then atleast i'll have something to look back at when i'm 80 and wondering what my youthfulish self was like.

-though i was in AP English in highschool, i do not promise any kind of correct grammar. hell, i don't even know how i got through that class. i have been told that i use words in a peculiar way. i like to think that just makes me a tad bit more interesting.

-this blog is going to be written without capitals for the most part due to pure laze.

with all of that said......please, enjoy the show!

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