Friday, December 28, 2012

"a very merry unbirthday"

my birthday has always been neglected due to the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Years. it lies on December 27th so it's very easily forgotten. but y'know what? it's okay. i mean, who can compete with the existence of Jesus and sparkly fireworks? not me(!)...i know from experience! but don't feel bad for me. this has been my lifelong story, so it's not as if i know any different. but i will say that because of this lack of celebration for my very own existence, i've never really grown too fond of my birthday. only once have i ever had a birthday party that was thrown strictly for me (i.e. no references to Santa or White Elephant exchange) (thanks to one of my ex-boyfriends). but truthfully, i don't particularly love celebrating it anyway. when loads of attention is placed on me, i get awkward and anxious. ask my friends, they've witnessed this.

so instead of having an annual celebration of my life, i've used my birthday as an excuse to bring my friends together to celebrate their friendship. i know, friends gathered on the day of your birth to celebrate. sounds like a birthday celebration right? but it's not. how so? my attention is turned towards them! on the day i was born i treat my heavily valued friends out to a meal of some sort (dinner or dimsum) to thank them for being awesome people in my life. you already know how i feel about my friends, remember? i love them more than i can explain. so annually, i like to show them i care because they know me better than the rest of the world does. they make me laugh, they are the only shoulders i'll cry on, and they've continued to be amazing people and a great assets to this world.

Kris, Ize, Helen, Eva, Maria, Lindsay, Natasha, Kim, Ciara, myself, Marjie, Ruby and Joanna

this year i really wanted to treat my friends to a nice dinner because 1) i felt like eating a good meal 2) i love them to no end and i want them to know it. so i took them to Absinthe for a three course meal.

you know what is awesome about my friends? a lot of these girls didn't know each other or vaguely know each other because i talk to all of them about my friends and my life goings on. sometimes when you throw a bunch of estrogen into one place at the same time, things get weird. but with these girls, everybody is easy to get along with and didn't have a problem making conversation. know why? because i wouldn't have un-awesome friends. they are all beyond awesome, so there was nothing to worry about.

when the lady asked if there was a header i'd like put on the menu and i said "Celebration of Friends," she didn't understand. "celebration of...friends?" "yeah. we're celebrating friendship." "hmmm...oookkay"

from this point on you'll see basically the same photo of me with a different woman friend strategically inserted next to me on my right side. this is because the left side of my face looks better than the right. i wish i were kidding, but i'm not. 

my friends, whom i happen to also work with. they make my time at work a f*cking blast! i'm sort of upset with myself for not taking individual pictures with them. sorry, Girls! 
Natasha! who is also my roommate. we robot. we laugh. and i think about her in the shower sometimes. i know what you're thinking...get your minds out of the gutter. i mostly wonder whether she can hear me sing while i lather. she's also one of the most thoughtful people i know.
Lindsay! sooo bubbly and white! crafty and beautiful. also, one of the strongest women i know. it's not often you don't see her with a smile on.
Ruby! she thought i was lazy as an x-ray student, but soon learned that she was wrong. and now we're buds...but mostly because she likes my mom. just kidding! also one of the strongest women i know. everybody likes her but they can't help it because she comes in this cute little package. 

Marjie! she's one of the most thoughtful gift givers. and you know what's great about her? when i said a really lame and unprepared speech at her wedding, she didn't hate me for it. she knows i'm awkward with attention. ten years strong, my friend! and forever onward! 

Helen! for my birthday she gave me a gift certificate for "Birthday Dinner at Restaurant of Your Choice." stellar! you know me so well, my foodie friend! and movie hopping friend. and when-it-rains friend!

Maria! she made her boyfriend drive her all the way from Sacramento just to spend two hours at dinner. i'm sorry i couldn't devote more time to a legit conversation. i love you for understanding. oh, and for being effing great as well, of course! you know she calls me when she's drunk to tell me how much she loves me? it's really cute.

Eva! friend first, cousin second. or vice versa. i can't decide. either way, i'm SO thankful to be so close with someone who is friend and family. she probably knows me better than anybody does and i'm excited to be one of her bridesmaids. plus, she's like...way gorgeous, huh?

Jo! sometimes we look similar. probably because we aren't super chinesey looking chinese chicks. one of the easiest people to talk to. try it some time...her life of travel is fascinating.

Ciara! everything about her is so heartfelt and full of life. there is never a dull moment with this one. you always say you take horrible pics, but you're lookin all pretty in this one. "giiirrrlll you and them teeth!"

Kim! one of the strongest women there ever were. i have so much respect for you, you don't even know. she's the whole package and then some. and humble to boot!

Kris! aka Special Friend! one of my most favorite people on this planet. she brings out my goofiness and her family treats me like family. there's no tearing us apart!

Izelle! you know what i like about her? she's fun and carefree, but smart as shit and funny as all hell. i don't see her nearly as often as i'd like. i miss the days when we'd hang out all. the. time. i just can't get enough!

i love you all to pieces! i don't know what i would do without you guys. some of you i see on a near daily basis, some of you on a semi annual basis...but all of you hold a place in my heart! you are all hilarious, honest, and awesome people. cheers to YOU my friends!

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