Monday, January 2, 2012

project 365 take II

so last year i tried doing Project 365. you take one photo a day for each day of the year. i was super gung-ho about doing it last year, but failed miserably and only got to day 66. see, last year i was trying to be artistic and get great shots everyday. also, the people i was participating with were taking pictures with the hipstamatic app on their iphones. it sort of became exhausting trying to find the right angle and viewpoint AND the right combination of filters/lenses. this year i'm changing up my game plan. this year i simply am going to post a picture a day that i personally take myself, whether it be with my phone or a real camera. and if i have no inspiration for the days picture, i'll post a picture that represents the highlight of the day. so stick around and enjoy the show! today is the 2nd day of 2012 so here are my first two pictures!!

my cousin, Eva, bought this book for me. you answer a question a day for 5 years. as the years evolve you can look back at your old answers and see how you're developing as a person. this is sort of the perfect gift for me. it's exactly something that i'd like to participate in. maybe i'll post some of my answers every so often.

on our way back from Reno, Marjie and i went to the Jelly Belly factory to take a tour of the factory.

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