Monday, August 13, 2012

tea time!

when Maria said she felt like tea, i quickly looked up tea rooms and found Taste. unbeknownst to me, it was a tea room in which they brew gaiwan tea. what does this mean exactly? a gaiwan is a small bowl with a lid in which you place tea leaves and pour hot water over to cover and steep the tea. there's a multi-step process to getting the tea just right for drinking. these steps include rinsing, releasing aromas, infusion, etc. it was a really cool experience that neither of them have encountered before. for me, it brought back memories of a service i'd endured in China in which i recall sitting in a tea shop for over two hours taste testing a ton of exquisite and expensive teas with the gaiwan method. i say "endured" because that's a long time to be sitting in a tea shop on a hot China day.

226:365 tea time

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